The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart
We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     The Seven Seas! Just the name conjures up excitement and we rise above the humdrum and let our minds be carried off to worlds all our own! Abruptly a familiar sound snaps us back to the here and now and we realize that strife and struggle lie ahead before we can embrace that elusive Peace.
     Yes, the Seven Seas! Oh dreams die hard so let us forge ahead, it's our nature, and we will see Victory born of right action heartbuilt. There is a lingering lament though. Think of the centuries past with all of the suffering and all of the tears shed and still being shed by this human family. Life has had its degrading moments but the Valor and Courage of so many let us hold our heads high. From this springs the idea that in reality there are Eight Seas this one though is filled with the tears of suffering humanity. Let us bow our heads.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

Blanchet House
Atten: Brian Ferschweiler, Director
615 NW 18th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97209

"Lending a Helping Hand"
The Blanchet House has our attention and our appreciation for it is well known that through these portals thousands have come and found hope and help for many years. We realize that times are difficult but donations are greatly needed. Every little bit will be appreciated! Let's warm some hearts! Thank you. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     Good News! Dr. Judith L. Hand has done her homework and has handed us a solid plan to bring about a future without war! Please go to and also to for more information and to download her book, "Women, Power, and the Biology of Peace."
     You dear Youth, climb on board for the ride of your life, you are desperately needed! Think of the Flaming Heart, it will carry the day for us!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     We study the skies trying to determine what the weather has in store for us, and we do that quite well! Then a dark night with lightening flashing across an ominous sky followed by rolling thunder, that dark night invades our thoughts, sending us off on tangents we fear are far beyond our inept understanding. Yet it happens, straight out of the blue! Listen, the Art of War has been with us for centuries, but what about the Art of Peace? Yes, what about that? What do we fight about, for what or why? Here's a thought. What about "the grass is always greener in the next pasture"? Or is it boredom? Napoleon Bonaparte had no trouble gathering armies which unfortunately met their Waterloo! It seems that a lack of imagination keeps us from discovering the wonders at our own fingertips, the wonders in our own backyard! Yes, there have always been people, perhaps blindsided themselves, who are cantankerous or downright warlike, but the lambs far out number them!
     There is another aspect: what about the thousands upon thousands who have all the advantages, a good heritage, great education, free time, financial backing, great personal contacts, etc. and they disassociate themselves from this human family? It's unfortunate! There is a certain loneliness being in bed with Mammon, when out here in the world there are so many wonderful and generous people seeking only the necessities of life, time to enjoy their families and friends, and looking forward to a sunrise, a new day, a new time...
     There is something else to consider: who's manning the lighthouse, the watchful eye? There are countless intelligent, well-meaning humans who run hellbent acquiring their castles with moats and all and can;t even see that the world around them is in sheer chaos, and when the saviors, the Hitlers, step in to reshape the world in their own images, these others are still too busy raking in the money while the Houses of Cards come falling down. Maybe it needs to be said here that the misguided saviors should be saved from themselves! But woe be to the highly endowed who impatiently charge recklessly ahead and leave the sheep unprotected! Should the sheep rise up to lead? It's beginning to look that way! Well, maybe a greater voice is needed to insure, right action heartbuilt to capture the Golden Fleece, that elusive Peace!