The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart
We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     Charles Jr, come here and sit with me. Look outside, see the sun shining through the rain? How beautiful the Springtime! We have a Peace now that has been a long time coming. (The uncle thinking to himself... Can it be those Hearts actually staged a Victory? If this is a dream, let us not be awakened.)
     Charles, what do you know about past history? Yes, that is true technology brought us all closer but still the world had to go through terrible turmoil. While sitting here now, a stream of history floods my  mind filling it with memories of atrocities and unbelievable sights of destruction, too overwhelming for words. History will haunt us but we dare not forget for fear that it will be repeated.
     Charles, do you realize the weapons that were developed then could have made life impossible for mankind on this earth? Do you understand the gravity of that situation? Uncle, you're kidding, people wouldn't do that. Why that's insane! It's almost laughable! Charles! You study the past with a Flaming Heart and forever be grateful that humanity put aside its childishness and on the wings of love rose to heights of greatness and captured that elusive Peace, driving home the message that love does conquer all.