The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart
We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     Charlie, what were you trying to tell me the other day about your Bee Hospital? I was watching all the war stuff on television and wasn't paying enough attention to what you were saying, sorry. Oh, way back when you were a kid playing out in your backyard you decided to play doctor (Oh, not that?) OK you made a hospital and fixed it up with a lot of little beds and then thought what about patients for the beds? Charlie, where are you taking me? You did what? You got a large jar of water and went out to a bush that was full of bees and captured some of them in your jar? Then you shook that jar until the bees were like dead!? Charlie, what were you thinking? Well, I put them in the beds and poked them for awhile with my little doctor stick and after a few minutes most of them survived and took off! I was pretty proud of myself!
     Charlie, that's what we grownups do! That's what wars are about! Only we get powerfully angry and let loose with our weapons, increasing in strength as our anger builds, and after the dust of the fits of war settles, we begin to feel sorry and remorseful. Then we fly to the aid of the suffering with our TLC.

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

Integrity, honesty...where and when should these come into play? What do we see and hear by way of television, radio, computer, etc? Violence, violence and more violence, apparently it's everywhere! Are people being killed and maimed, property being destroyed and even the dear Earth being undermined, all in the name of righteousness? How long have we been in the dark?

P.S. It has been said that a man will talk a subject to death and a woman will get in and fix the problem. Is there anything to that? By the way it was a man who said it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

           It isn’t for lack of courage that humanity struggles so on this earth; is it shortsightedness, greed, fear, impatience? What can it be? Look what has been done with science; the technology explosion is just phenomenal! What about the studies of the brain and space exploration? Such success and this is only part of the picture!
            Then one’s heart sinks. There is no putting back what escaped Pandora’s Box or is there? Many of our challenges have been met successfully, but the rumblings of the war machines shatter the complacency of our lives! Look at the brutality, the gang against gang mentality, and those weapons of great destruction how they mesmerize the shortsighted! The coals of fear don’t help either! Therefore let us consider The Flaming Heart and fan those flames, drawing us all together in pursuit of that elusive Peace!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

     Breaking News: Japan struck by an 8.9 earthquake followed by a catastrophic tsunami! (There has been nothing like this for that country since Hiroshima and Nagasaki!) Once again, "People to People" are coming together through a mist of tears, helping wherever they can without hesitancy or asking why.
     That brings us back to the Flaming Heart: We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!
     Now that being said, it is understandable that we have a tendency to withdraw for lack of courage, but it's the heart, our Flaming Hearts that can carry the day for us. So let us go forth as a family, doing what is right, and coming away with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

Charlie, you're late! Hey man you look awful! what's wrong?
Oh, I've been having these terrible nightmares over and over again. I see all kinds of people, even soldiers, running around fishing people out of high waters and climbing all over great blocks of stones and cement doing something, I don't know what! Then I see beds and all kinds of stuff up in trees and whole armies of people rushing around, calling out that they were there to help. Even the animals were dragged into it. It's really crazy! I'm thinking how can we fight a decent war with all this going on?
Charlie!  You've been dreaming "the dream" and living the nightmare; we've all been living the nightmare way too long. Think of all the wars...