The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart
We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

Integrity, honesty...where and when should these come into play? What do we see and hear by way of television, radio, computer, etc? Violence, violence and more violence, apparently it's everywhere! Are people being killed and maimed, property being destroyed and even the dear Earth being undermined, all in the name of righteousness? How long have we been in the dark?

P.S. It has been said that a man will talk a subject to death and a woman will get in and fix the problem. Is there anything to that? By the way it was a man who said it!