The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart
We of the Flaming Heart want peace through love not war, our lives spent helping each other especially during times of catastrophes, leaving us with peace of mind and uplifted hearts!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Word from the Apricot Room Regarding the Flaming Heart:

Charlie, you're late! Hey man you look awful! what's wrong?
Oh, I've been having these terrible nightmares over and over again. I see all kinds of people, even soldiers, running around fishing people out of high waters and climbing all over great blocks of stones and cement doing something, I don't know what! Then I see beds and all kinds of stuff up in trees and whole armies of people rushing around, calling out that they were there to help. Even the animals were dragged into it. It's really crazy! I'm thinking how can we fight a decent war with all this going on?
Charlie!  You've been dreaming "the dream" and living the nightmare; we've all been living the nightmare way too long. Think of all the wars...